Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 4 and 5

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I FINALLY got a job!!!!! There I go on my first day off to work. I am feeling pretty confident about leaving my family. They have had some minor problems but they seem to be getting better every day. We haven't had a fire in a couple days and everyone seems to be focused on getting along and learning new things!

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And here they are, look how great they are doing while I am off at work. Existing peacefully, playing together. All except more Shaunna who insists on begging every day. I have told her I am working now so we will have some money but here she is again in her jammies. Maybe if she begged in her underwear she'd have better luck? I'll tell her to try that next time, I mean if she is going to insist on going out there, she needs to try something else! But overall I am sooooooo proud of them. I have always thought we all belonged in a crazy house of some kind but hey maybe I was wrong maybe we are sane after all. I guess that means that everyone else in the world is crazy?!

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Ok Amanda seriously, it's WAY past time to take a shower. You are making everyone around you sick with your stench.

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Ok well now I know why she wasn't showering, the dang thing is broken. I think I must have hollered twenty times banging on that tub, but I did fix it!!! (But she could have washed up in the sink, come on!)

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After I finished fixing the tub Mandy decided to do a little flirting with me. I won't lie I flirted back but SHE STARTED IT!!! I guess we're gay even in the sims world!!?? :)

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Wow she just reached out and laid one on me! Ok ok so I didn't hate it but wow you go Mandy!

We've had a few great days here, I am feeling very good about us. But maybe it's the realist in me I am still worried about what is to come.......


Rhexy said...

I will not reduce myself to begging in my undies...though at this rate I wouldn't be suprised!!

Congrats on the job, and that everyone seems to be living harmoniously. Let's not jinx that by talking about it too much...

Roo said...

That was great! Its a shame you opted for the easle, if you had an instrument, they will perform and you could have tipped Shaunna.. that usually keeps a fortune sim appeased for a while. On the other hand, she really should try beggin in her undies LOL!
Go Mandy! Uh huh, SURE she started it *giggle* either way.. you go girl!
I'm going to jinx you now.. you're doing well in your asylum! That is very exciting for you.
fun update as always, keep up the great job

biatchymissy said...

LOL come on Shaunna show a bit of leg as my gran used to say :)
And Mandy WOW you go girl.

Rubywyld said...

Awww getting fired is such a bummer...and I don't know what's worse, sims that cook for themselves and just empty the fridge in hours with no regaurd for where the money is going to come from to refill it...or sims that sit around groaning in hunger waiting for someone else to cook for them. LOL