Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Day 1

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Day one was interesting. Our group spent some time getting to know each other and even seemed to get along. I think I may have gotten a little cocky and thought I didn't need to watch them all so closely. Yep I was wrong!

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Well you probably guessed it, we had our first fire pretty quickly. Jeff just couldn't get the hang of cooking no matter how hard he tried.

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But honeslty I think Amanda was more upset about the fire than anyone!

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On the other hand Geoff didn't seem bothered by it at all, I don't think he left his painting all day UNTIL.......

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He had to pee, so bad he was cranky about it. He fought to get a spot in the bathroom, while Lupe was having the same problem.

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Lupe lost the fight and had our first accident on the floor. As night came upon us, I was full of energy since I took a nap earlier when a bed was a available, so there would be more room for everyone else later. I decided to spend some quiet time exercising...

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Come to find out, I don't have much skill in that area, I think I fell at least 4 times before I gave up. Before having some late dinner I thought I might check on my family and make sure they were all resting.

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Lupe found a spot on the couch.

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While poor Mandy feel asleep in her mac and cheese!

All and all the day wasn't too bad. The fire didn't kill anyone and they all seemed to get along pretty well. I still haven't found a job, in the medical field but I think staying home with them for a couple days wouldn't be a bad idea!


Ziese52 said...

Oh no a fire already! At least no one died. I hope she can find a medical job soon

Rhexy said...

Great update girl! Very informative and funny perspective on things.

Can't wait to see what happens day 2...

Roo said...

Too funny! At least it wasn't Shaunna burning down the place, don't let that woman cook! LOL
Try jello, serve lots and lots and it will keep them from cooking too much. On the other hand, I was hoping at least one person would die on me, if you do manage to kill one of your family members off, the ghosts add to the fun. Oh now see that wasn't nice of me *giggling*
Great update, look forward to more!